American Painting and Deck Care is a full-service residential and commercial painting company in Johns Creek GA. We specialize in both interior and exterior paint services, as well as deck stain and water proofing finishes.
The quick growth and success of our company is attributed to their ability to the fact that we offer our customers the best value and service by utilizing the latest technology, highest quality products and professional, experienced painters. Our Johns Creek customers have come to expect superb quality workmanship, amazing results and on time project completion. We strive to meet and exceed these high expectaions on every paint project we deliver.
Most customers have some concerns about the cost of hiring a professional painting contractor – and rightly so. Prices can vary greatly from company, but so can the quality and service. American Painting a Deck Care delivers a tremendous value when comparing our prices and superior quality work to the competitions offerings.
Here a a few of the pricing considerations for interior painting jobs.
Is the home or office furnished or not.
In an unfurnished home it’s very easy to use plastic to cover the floors and seal it tightly to the corners of the room. This is not possible in a furnished home so you will have to move the plastic around frequently to stop paint from spilling and any drips getting on the floor. Additionally, all furniture must be moved to the center of the room prior to starting.
How many colors will be used.
If the complete interior of the home or office will be one color and it is unfurnished – it can be easily spray painted. If the wall color is going to be different from the ceiling color, a lot of time will be spent cutting the paint between the ceiling and the wall. It will have to be painted by brush and a roller.
If all the walls in the house will be one color the roller can be dipped in a 5 gallon bucket. Trays will need to be used if each room has a different color. Continually poring paint from buckets into a trays is time consuming, it is also virtually impossible to buy the exact amount of paint necessary to complete the job. This naturally equates to higher costs due to more money being needed for purchasing the paint.
What type of interior doors do you have?
Flat doors can be painted pretty fast because you can use a small roller. Panel doors will take more time because they need to be painted by brush(or sprayed).
Also of note – if the baseboard colors are different from the walls the cutting in process will take longer than walls and baseboards having the same color.
What type of paint finish is being used?
Paints with a flat finish are the easier and faster to work with because it covers better. Whether applying over a previous color or prime base coat. Satin finishes are also not too difficult to work with. Gloss, semi-gloss, and eggshell finish paint can be a bit tricky as brush or roller marks can be left behind if not done correctly or completed fast enough.
These are just some of the basic issues. Each interior painting job is different and the cost will vary on a case by case basis.
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