For over 15 years American Painting and Deck Care has providing premium painting services to residential and commercial customers in Marietta GA and surrounding areas. We take a lot of pride in our work and the quality and craftsmanship shines through in every home or commercial building we paint. We start every job with detailed surface preparation, and spend a lot of time on it as this is the most important stage in the process.
a. Identify the exterior material
The first step to a durable and long lasting paint job is preparation. Since exterior surfaces are made using different materials, preparation methods differ. It is crucial to identify your home’s exterior material to be able to use the right preparation methods and coatings. Home exteriors can be made of one or a number of materials such as plaster, drywall, brick, wood etc. The first step is identifying your home’s exterior material so that you can be able to choose the right preparation method.
b. Scrapping or sanding off old paint
The first practical step to preparing a home’s exterior for painting is scrapping off old paint. If scrapping doesn’t work, other methods can be used such as sanding. A wire brush scrapes off paint perfectly on rough wood surfaces. Although taking off old paint is a tedious process, it is a necessary process since the condition of the surface to be painted determines the success of the project more than anything else. Health precautions must however be taken into consideration when scrapping and/or sanding old exterior surfaces with lead paint.
c. Cleaning (pressure washing)
After identifying the type of exterior surface and scrapping or sanding off old paint, the third step is cleaning. Paint on the exterior surfaces of homes tends to develop chalk deposits. Such deposits as well as clogged dirt are removed easily through pressure washing. As a rule of thumb, you can’t paint a dirty surface so cleaning is inevitable. Luckily, pressure washing can clean just about any exterior home surface you can think off.
d. Masking and priming
Exterior house painting also requires masking and priming of exterior surfaces. Masking involves covering baseboards among other places to achieve a crisp and clean paint line. Masking also makes painting less tedious and time-consuming. Priming is done to prevent discoloration and stains from bleeding through final coats. The final coat sticks better on a primed surface. It is advisable to avoid shortcuts or concentrating on cutting cost when preparing exterior home surfaces for painting to avoid compromising the final outcome.
American Painting and Deck Care services the following Marietta zip codes:
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